To run BlogEngine.NET 3.2, you need a hosting that support ASP.NET and MSSQL., ASPHostPortal and UKWindowsHostASP.NET provide web hosting which are based on latest OS, MSSQL databases and .NET Framework (currently using Windows server 2012, IIS 8.0, MSSQL 2012 databases and ASP.NET v2, v3.5 and v4.5.). Besides, their best and recommended BlogEngine.NET 3.2 hosting plan also comes with rich features to run your BlogEngine.NET 3.2 successfully without any problem.
These top 3 hosting providers above provide upgradable BlogEngine.NET 3.2 hosting service ranging from Windows Shared Hosting Plan to dedicated servers. As the starting level, all of these web hosts priced their best and recommended BlogEngine.NET 3.2 hosting plan under $5.00/month. You are getting a great deal for your money. Every hosting plan include generous amounts of disk space and bandwidth, unlimited site hosted, SQL Server 2008/2012/2014, ASP.NET & ASP.NET MVC all versions, MySQL database, latest PHP, 24/7 customer support, 30-days money back guarantee and 99.9% uptime., ASPHostPortal and UKWindowsHostASP.NET‘s customer support provide 24/7/365 support via email, ticketing service and contact form. Their system admins and tech staff are 100% on-site and are available anytime if you need them and their average waiting times are less than 30 seconds. Besides this, their staff guarantees helping customers with their questions and issues on BlogEngine.NET 3.2. Therefore, is the ideal choice if you just want a cheap & reliable DotNetNuke web host.