Best Cheap Umbraco 7.5.3 Hosting? Check Out

Most people spend their energies looking for a great Umbraco website designer, but often neglect to choose a good Umbraco hosting.

For most people they start examining their Umbraco hosting carefully only when their Umbraco website goes offline because their Umbraco hosting goes down.

While we cannot prevent such an occurrence totally, it will help if you choose a good Umbraco hosting.

That’s why it’s so very important to do some research. Well, to avoid you select the wrong Umbraco 7.5.3 hosting provider, here are a few Best Umbraco 7.5.3 hosting providers that we recommend for you after reviewing based on some factors like : speed, price, features, and real customer experience.

What is Umbraco?

Umbraco is an open source web content management system that was originally developed by Niels Hartvig around 2003. It runs on Microsoft’s ASP.NET technology and uses a sql server database for storage. Umbraco is a completely free and open-source content management solution written in C#, Umbraco is a robust solution for your Web publishing needs. Umbraco can be deployed on Windows Server only, so Linux hosting provider doesn’t support this CMS.

Umbraco is different from other content management systems because it is allows for more customization. Umbraco gives you the best of both worlds: freedom and flexibility to choose how you want your website to look, without the hassle of actually creating the site yourself.

What is New in Umbraco 7.5.3?

  • U4-8889 – Package install fails
  • U4-8898 – Blank login screen after upgrade to 7.5.x
  • U4-8917 – Redirect URL Management – Original url is incorrect
  • U4-8923 – Adding new property to media breaks ability to save
  • U4-8935 – Uploading a single media in the media section dropzone doesn’t reveal a progress bar
  • U4-8938 – OutputCache headers changed from Cache-Control: public to private
  • U4-8939 – Old openContentPicker() method is failing

Tips for Choosing The Best Cheap Umbraco 7.5.3 Hosting

PriceRecommended SpecsReliabilityTechnical SupportSecurity
Since Umbraco runs on SQL server primarily using ASP.NET and C#, the hosting pricing is not as low as other CMS using MySQL and PHP script. Don’t put a heavy emphasis on price. Sure it’s nice to get the best deal, but check out the company first. Are they established enough to support their claim? Often times, companies use price to lure you in and forget to mention all of the limitations of their plans. Also choose the company who gives you the period of money back guarantee.
Built on the .NET framework with ASP.NET and C#, Umbraco supports .NET Custom Control and .NET User Controls with very little change. Therefore, the best cheap Umbraco 7.5.3 hosting should include minimum ASP.NET 2.0 and ASP.NET MVC 2.0 in their package. And for the database, MSSQL is preffered, it’s because Umbraco uses a Microsoft-based infrastructure. 
It’s not absurd to expect the best uptime, speed and stability from shared servers. This should be the standard across the board. The best way to ensure that you are getting the best is by monitoring your site’s uptime and response time using an uptime monitor.
An Umbraco-friendly web host should have good knowledge on Umbraco to help on trouble shooting when their customers have issues related to their websites. It’s painful to work with a web host knowing nothing about it.
Shared Servers are more risky to operate because the server is shared with multiple accounts. A hacked server can corrupt all sites on it (worst case scenario). Usually this doesn’t happen, and companies can usually retrieve data that is lost or fix damaged databases (consider dedicated servers).

Recommendation Best & Cheap Umbraco 7.5.3 Hosting

In below, we have worked out a comprehensive review to explain why the 2 companies Umbraco 7.5.3 Hosting are the winners in detail. In addition, we have developed the following table, designed to help our readers know the main features integrated with the shared hosting plans provided by the web hosts.

Unlimited DomainHost Unlimited Sites
Unlimited BandwidthAnytime money back
Unlimited Disk Spaces99.9% hosting uptime
Full trust level24×7 US support
Latest MSSQLLatest MSSQL
Latest MySQLLatest MySQL
24×7 tech supportASP.NET, MVC, Silverlight, URLRewrite2, WebMatrix
ASP.NET 1.1/2/3.5/4/5SP1/4.5, MVC 4/5, /5/6URLRewrite2Free Cloud Hosting
Support IIS 7/8/8.5Support IIS 7/8/8.5
More Details More Details

ASPHostPortal – Cheap and Powerful Umbraco 7.5.3 Hosting Provider

asphostportalbanner-e1430121991200ASPHostPortal continues to emerge and is now one of the most used popular Umbraco hosting companies you can find in the web hosting industry.

There are, for sure a lot of reasons why they continue to progress from where they were and stay on top of their competitors all these years.

It is undeniable that they offer many types of Umbraco hosting plans for their different groups of customers for different needs. Instead of offering one standard plan which has everything, ASPHostPortal customizes their plans for their customers for they recognize that the key to satisfy their customers is to offer what their customers really need and not to offer every single feature under the sky.

Their strategy of Umbraco hosting customization plans helped to drive down the price of ASPHostPortal plans, making it highly competitive to subscribe for, as their customers get only those features and options that they really needed for their Umbraco websites and do not have to pay for any other software or functionalities which they do not required such as the case of standard service plan.


ASPHostPortal Umbraco 7.5.3 Hosting Speed

Downtime is almost non-existent, as ASPHostPortal is recognized as a web host that is exceptionally reliable. The company has great emphasis on the reliability of their servers and services, thus you could expect minimum hassle and downtime issues when you opt for this company.

ASPHostPortal offers a wide range of different types of Umbraco hosting server plan for their discreet customers requirements, such as ASPHostPortal shared Umbraco hosting for those customer who does not require very large bandwidth or disk spaces, with competitive below average prices where they share the same hosting server with many other web-users.

ASPHostPortal offers unlimited sub-domains, unlimited domain, unlimited email accounts, large disk space and bandwidth, webmail, ecommerce features and Plesk control panel and many more to their customers.

HostForLIFE – Reliable Umbraco 7.5.3 Hosting in Europe

hostforlifebannerHostForLIFE Umbraco hosting solutions fulfill a wide range of hosting requirement and budgets, trying to fit the needs of their different group of customers.

They are flexible and generous to their customers, for they provide free moving service to move their customers’ files, databases, scripts, and software without any charges for those who wish to move from their existing Umbraco hosting plan to any new Umbraco hosting plan.

Furthermore, HostForLIFE does not tie their customers with long term hosting contract, instead their customers are allowed to renew and pay for their services on monthly basis.

HostForLIFE Umbraco 7.5.3 Hosting Speed


Besides having such a good name within the industry, HostForLIFE is also favored for its reliable and trustworthy server that has got a 99.9% uptime. Now this is very important because you wouldn’t want to disappoint your clients with downtime on the site. In order for a business to thrive, you’ve to give your customers and clients what they want and in this case, a high uptime percentage can give them the chance to view the site as and when they want instead of always being denied the access due to downtime.

It might result in them getting annoyed and forgetting your company on a whole. While speaking of good uptime percentage, don’t be fooled by companies that advertise 100% uptime because that would be a hoax.

All Umbraco websites no matter big or small are subjected to downtime because they need to be maintained and upgraded, the highest percentage a company can offer is 99.9%.

with HostForLIFE, you can be sure that you’d be guaranteed with their given percentage because they offer you a 30-day money back or refund if they don’t like up to their 99.9% uptime. This alone shows you how confident the company is in their own reliability.